
北京课改版六年级英语下册全册课课练 | 含答案 | 可下载

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2.Head and choose. 读句子,选择合适的选项。

( )-(1)  are you looking  ?

-I'm looking for my pen, I can ’t find it.

A. What;  for  B. Who;  at  C. What; at

( ) (2) Would you mind ______my water bottle?

A.using  B. useing  C. use

( ) (3) Where did she  it?

A. gets  B. get  C. got

( ) (4) Lingling is  a paper cup.

A. use  B. used  C. using

( ) (5) Let ’s and  her.

A. go;asking  B. go;ask  C. goes;asks

( ) (6) There  a few pens on the desk.

A.is  B. are  C.be

( ) (7) — What are you doing?

— running.

A. You're  B. I ’m  C. I

( ) (8)There  a water bottle over there ______the ground.

A. are;on  B.is;at  C.is;on

( ) (9) -  it like?

- It's blue and in the shape of a teddy bear.

A. What  B. What's  C. what ’s

( ) (10) -What  he  ?

- He is jumping.

A. are; doing  B. is; doing  C. is;do

3. Look and correct the mistake. 改错。

4. Look and judge. 看图,判读句子是 (T)否(F)与图片一致。

Unit1 Lesson2

1. Choose and fill. 选一选,填一填。

A are B. than C. bigger D. like

F. in  F. do  G. my

(1). - What's it  ?

-It's blue and  the shape of a teddy bear.

(2) -There  a few bottles over there.

(3) -My bottle is  those.

(4) -I'm doing  homework, and I can ’tit without a pen.

2. Look and choose. 看一看选出不同类的一项。

( ) (1) A. desk  B. chair  C. head

( ) (2) A. garden  B. worry  C. park

( ) (3) A. use  B. borrow  C. police

( ) (4) A. white  B. street  C. black

( ) (5) A. beautiful B. wide  C. cup

Unit1 Lesson3

1. Read and match. 读一读,连一连。

( ) (1) look for A.一个纸杯

( ) (2) over there  B 寻找

( ) (3) a paper cup  C.在那儿

( ) (4) on the ground  D.在花园里

( ) (5) in the garden  E.在地上

( ) (6) call the police  F.给警察打电话

2.Read and choose. 补全对话。

A: (1)

B: I ’m looking for my water bottle. I can ’t find it.

A: (2)

B: It’s blue and in the shape of a teddy bear.

A: Look. (3)

B: They are small. My bottle is bigger than those.

A: Well, (4)

B:Thank you, but no.

A: Look. Lingling is using a paper cup. (5)

B: I don ’t know. (6)

A. There are a few water bottles over there on the ground.

B. What ’s it like ?

C. What are you looking for?

D. Where did she get it?

E. Let me go and ask her.

F. Would you mind using my water bottle?

Lesson 4

1. Look and choose. 看一看,选出不同类的一项。

( ) (1)  A. purple  B. police  C. pink

( ) (2)  A. cup  B. bottle  C. use

( ) (3)  A. desk  B. whose  C. who

( ) (4)  A. street  B. garden  C. wide

( ) (5)  A. ground  B. street  C. worried

( ) (6)  A. little  B. beautiful  C. head

2. Read,choose and write. 读一读,选一选,写一写。


(1) The little kitten is having funin the.

(2) There is a in the picture.

(3) Mike can playwell.

(4) Sara a beautiful pencil case.

3.1 can write.我会写。

(1) – Whatis it?

-It ’s black and purple.

(2)- pen is that?

-It ’s Lingling ’s.

(3)-are you looking for?

-I ’m looking for my pencil.

(4)-do you look so worried?

-I can ’t find my little kitten.

(5)-What he look like?

-He has beautiful eyes.

4. Read and choose. 读一读,选一选。

( ) (1) What does he.

A. looks like  B. look like  C. looking like

( ) (2) Lingling me a new pen yesterday.

A. give  B. gave  C. gives

( ) (3) Shall we together to remove thetwo mountains?

A. work  B. worked  C. working

( ) (4) They agreedidea.

A. to  B. at  C. with

( ) (5) How can you remove?

A. they  B. them  C. their

( ) (6) I can ’tmy new eraser.

A. found  B. finding  C. find

5. Read and write. 用所给词的适当形式填空。

Taihang and Wangwu (are) two big(mountain) in the south of Jizhou and northof Heyang. They were seven(hundred) li around, and ten thousand

(metre) high. Anold man (live) on the north side of themountains. He was 90 (year) old. Peoplecalled (he) the Foolish Old Man.

Unit 2 Can you tell me more about her?

Lesson 5

1. Choose the best answer according to the text. 根据课文内容选择正确答案。

( ) (1) Does Mike go fishing in Canada?

A. Yes, he does.  B No, he doesn ’t .

( ) (2) Is his uncle very strong?

A. Yes, he.  B. No, he isn ’t .

( ) (3) What's the farm like?

A. It's beautiful.  B. It's small.

( ) (4) Does Mike enjoy living on the farm?

A. Yes, very much.  B No, he doesn ’t .

( ) (5) How old is his uncle?

A. He's forty.  B. He's fifty.

2. Read and choose. 读句子 ,选择合适的选项。

( ) (1) Do you go in Canada?

A. fishing  B. fish  C. fishes

( ) (2) - Can you tell  about your uncle?


A we  B. I  C. us

( ) (3) He a farm  Canada?

A. Has;in  B. have; in  C. has;at

( ) (4) Everything  green  spring.

A .turns; on  B. turn; at  C.turns; in

( ) (5) There lots of flowers in the grass.

A. is  B. was  C. are

( ) (6) I help my uncle  his farm work.

A. with  B. in  C. to

( ) (7) I really enjoy  the sheep.

A. feed  B.feeds  C. feeding

( ) (8) He is two  than my father.

A. year old  B. years old  C. years older

( ) (9) - What’s the farm ?

- It ’s beautiful.

A .look like  B. likes  C. like

( ) (10) I  a farm in China.

A. have  B. Has  C. having

Unit 2 Can you tell me more about her?

Lesson 6



B.afra id

c. find

D. kitten

E. whose

)1. A.use  B.look  C.—

()2. A.cat  B.dog  c.—

()3.A. what  B.where  C.—

)4. A. going  B.doing  c._

()5.A.woried  B.tired  c._


)1. What's the matteryour          computer?

A. in

B. with



()2.He is black on the top          hishead.

A. in


C. for

()3. Would you please          to thepark with me?

B. going

C. went

A. go

)4.There are        _buses there.

A.so many

B. so much

C. too much

)5.ShouldI         the police?











